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The Have Your Cake & Eat It Too Holiday Wellness Challenge

with Asja

Why wait until January to focus on your 2024 goals? The Have Your Cake & Eat It Too Holiday Wellness Challenge will have you building healthy habits before December even arrives - with absolutely no food restrictions! You'll use these habits to guide you through the holidays, keeping your health and wellness vision clearly in focus. By January, you’ll be tired of the holiday food opulence and eager to dig into your specific 2024 goals. The great news? You won’t be starting from scratch!


Registration closes October 26th!


Register by October 19th and receive a special bonus – a

complimentary one-month pass to B7 Fitness’s Bfit adult classes ($200 value)

The Phases

Phase I will focus on bringing in more of the good to your eating habits to promote optimal health. Your goal will be to eat a set amount of fruits and veggies and the right amount of protein for your unique needs. You can eat anything you want on top of those two targets! This phase will also focus on establishing habits around hydration and purposeful movement.


Phase II will run through the month of December. While this is not a time to worry about food restriction, a focus on bringing in more good to offset holiday indulgences is a solid strategy to help you move towards your health and wellness goals. In this phase, you’ll continue to reinforce the habits formed in Phase I, including eating a set amount of fruits and veggies and the right amount of protein, while continuing with hydration and movement routines. EAT, DRINK & DO whatever else appeals!


Phase III will start in January. There will still be a focus on the habits established in Phase I, with the addition of a two-week tracking period to establish a baseline of calories, macros, or portion sizes specific to you. Using this data, I'll offer personalized adjustments based on your 2024 goals, which might be to influence body composition, improve athletic capacity, or to just eat a more health promoting diet. The personalization phase will last the final two weeks of the challenge so you'll get get coaching support as you solidify the habits needed to crush your 2024 goals.

Challenge Details

RSVP now or ask for more details

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